Oh, man, 60

I’m more bothered by what seems to be onrushing bronchitis than I am my 60th birthday.
I need stronger drugs than Robitussin syrup and Cepacol lozenges.
However, I was given a bread machine as part of the celebration of my birthday. Isn’t that cool? The manual only has about 9 recipes, which is fewer than the number of programs the machine allows you to select.
Who’s got suggestions for good bread cookbooks?


  1. Happy Birthday Sonny!!
    Better late than never and I can call you Sonny since I’m older than you are. 😀
    Hang in there – you have a long way to go before you’re old!!

  2. Happy 60th!
    As far as recipes go try the internet. Or one of the many books at the library. We have a bread that the folks in my family love, and it’s got an egg in the recipe. I often change white sugar for brown. It makes a nicer color bread.

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