Boxers or briefs? Bikini or boy-cut?

Remember the cartoon images of anarchists? The guy in the trench coat with the cannonball-shaped bomb and the lit fuse? After hearing somebody on CNN calling the terrorist who was caught on Christmas Day last year the “underpants bomber” I’m surprised some enterprising cartoonist hasn’t come up with an iconic image. I imagine Hanes and …

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Halliburton, again?!?

It’s always been true that small shareholders have very little influence over the companies whose stock they own, so I don’t think they’d be able to change Halliburton’s behavior and outlook. It’s a damned shame that’s true, because if ever a company needed to be reined in, it’s Cheney’s former outfit. On Thursday, a government …

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The Case for Obama (and his party)

Every once in a while somebody says to me “Why did that political analysis article appear in Rolling Stone, of all places?” I have to tell them that politics has been covered in that magazine’s pages since the 1960s. Hunter Thompson’s gonzo journalism first appeared in RS, illustrated by Ralph Steadman. So now we come …

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