The Case for Obama (and his party)

Every once in a while somebody says to me “Why did that political analysis article appear in Rolling Stone, of all places?” I have to tell them that politics has been covered in that magazine’s pages since the 1960s. Hunter Thompson’s gonzo journalism first appeared in RS, illustrated by Ralph Steadman.

So now we come to 2010, and here is a five-page article entitled “The Case for Obama” in the October 28 issue of Rolling Stone, and it’s persuasive. It won’t get you to stand up and cheer and then head for the nearest phone bank; its style is less pep talk than it is calm and cogent lecture. But it will serve to remind all Democrats that the Obama Administration has gotten more done in two years than any President since LBJ. Author Tim Dickinson enumerates eight accomplishments and explains each.

  1. Averting a Depression
  2. Sparking a Recovery
  3. Saving Detroit (and the American car industry)
  4. Reforming Health Care
  5. Cutting Corporate Welfare
  6. Restoring America’s Reputation
  7. Protecting Consumers
  8. Launching a Green-Energy Moonshot

Pass the link around to any wavering friends you know.


  1. But all these things are what the hate-America-first crowd are shouting about. What they really wanted was to see a total collapse of first the economy and then the federal government, and their ideological utopia rising from the ashes of the resulting chaos and anarchy. They came so close, and had their dream snatched away by the combined efforts of the hated Obama administration and, for one of the few times in its miserable tenure, the G.W. Bush administration actually doing the right thing. No wonder they’ve gone completely insane. Unfortunately, they still retain the right to vote. Fortunately, so do the rest of us – for now.

  2. Why Link, I do believe you’ve been spammed…or you’ve taken up a hobby I *really* don’t want to hear about.
    And Harold, I think the extremists wanted their dystopian vision to come true; those in the middle probably don’t; they’ll adapt to whatever reality we have. Right now, they’re listening to the people who are shouting the loudest.

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