11-dimension chess

If Obama goes along with this set of proposals from the Bowles-Simpson Commission, thereby gutting Social Security in exchange for very little, I’m going to conclude that not only is he not a liberal, he’s not even a Democrat. As Digby says:

If he ends up signing on to deep cuts in social security in exchange for some tax hikes that will be subject to revision by the next idiot Republican who comes into office bleating “it’s your money!” then he will have presided over the destruction of the Democratic Party. If they can’t even protect the safety net during a time of great financial stress — when they have the presidency and one house of congress — just what the hell is the point?

It would be sadly ironic if we managed to fight off the Bush Administration’s attempt to “fix” Social Security in 2005 only to have it blown up five years later by somebody we elected.


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