Oh look, a new President!

Senate rules really need to be overhauled.

Sen. Jim DeMint warned his colleagues Monday night that he would place a hold on all legislation that has not been “hot-lined” by the chamber or has not been cleared by his office before the close of business Tuesday.


“Hot-lining” is a process by which the two Senate leaders poll their caucuses to see if anyone objects to passing a bill. If no one raises an objection, than the bill is fast-tracked for passage. DeMint apparently plans to honor his existing promises to allow legislation to be hot-lined, but he has told the entire Senate that they have until close of business today to get his approval for other legislation or else he will block that bill — even if it enjoys overwhelming support.

If I were a member of “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” as the Senate likes to call itself (the origin of the phrase is lost in time, as far as the Internet is concerned), I think I’d be a little ticked off at DeMint’s usurpation of my right to vote.