Does nobody know how to play this game?

Say you’re a House Democrat in a swing district, one that’s not overly wealthy or disproportionately poor. Say you’ve got a credible opponent running against you in November. Say you need a big issue to separate yourself from that opponent.

Then why in the name of all that’s sensible would you not want to make the point that you’re on the side of the 98% of the people who would retain their tax cuts from 2001 and 2003? That the Republican party, by demanding that those tax cuts be extended to everyone, is first last and always on the side of the richest 1% of the country? That the Republican party howls about deficits until it comes time for their friends in that 1% group to help pay them down, at which point the deficit doesn’t matter?

This is Politics 101. Make yourself look like a caring person who wants to help your constituents; make your opponent look like a person who cares only about his donors and their wealthy buddies.

As Steve Benen says, Hold. The. Damn. Votes.