What is this, Vacation-Gate?

Not surprisingly, the right-wingers and the theoretically-neutral networks have felt a need to report that Michelle Obama and her younger daughter are (gasp!) on vacation in Spain!
Kevin Drum notes that Laura Bush took vacations too, but they were in American national parks, which automatically confers legitimacy or something.
I’d add that Michelle Obama is probably a helluva lot safer vacationing in Europe than she would be in the United States, given the vitriol directed at her and her husband by the right-wing talk radio crowd.


  1. I think the assumption is that vacationing in national parks is cheaper, something that “regular Joes” do, and more patriotic than flying overseas with a huge entourage.

  2. Michele Obama is simultaneously coming under fire from the right for going on a high-profile vacation to a foreign country (what does she think she is, some sort of goodwill ambassador representing the United States?) AND for dressing down in shorts rather than dressing in glamorous Jackie O style (doesn’t she realize or care that she’s a goodwill ambassador representing the United States?)
    Bonus points: They’re also attacking her for keeping quiet the fact that she was taking along family members. What’s the big idea, not publishing a complete and detailed travel itinerary well in advance?

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