Obama’s speech last night

From my point of view it’s a damned shame that, while he updated Carter’s energy speech in July, 1979, particularly Point Six:

I’m proposing a bold conservation program to involve every state, county, and city and every average American in our energy battle. This effort will permit you to build conservation into your homes and your lives at a cost you can afford.

he didn’t go further, demanding that the Senate pass the Kerry-Lieberman bill (.pdf). I suppose he didn’t because he recognizes that the trouble is, it’s the Senate. The Republican party is not only behaving irresponsibly in obstructing everything it possibly can, but it’s also got quite a few climate change deniers in it. Even if the Republican leadership felt that it would be good for the country to address the issue, some of its members wouldn’t go along.

There are also some Democrats from energy-producing states (Louisiana, I’m looking at you) who insist that jobs are more important than the life of the planet. If ever there were a short-term view opposed to a long-term one, this is it.

I’m disappointed, but I’m a realist. I do wish he’d bash the deniers and give up on the bipartisan schtick. He surely knows better by now after his experience with health care.