Lost showrunners talk!

Alan Sepinwall got an exclusive phone interview with Lindelof and Cuse today. Main topic: “Why on earth couldn’t last night’s episode have been run, oh, at the beginning of this season?” Cuse:

This is what an episode of “Lost” that is about answering questions looks like. This thing is a big mythological download. Our belief is that the real resolution of the show and the one that matters is what happens to these characters. We’ve felt a desire to provide the audience with Jacob and the Man in Black’s origin story and make it not the last episode of the show for a very good reason. The show is going to focus on these characters. That’s what we believe is more important and that’s what we believe the audience wants to see. This all worked the way we wanted to. We planned it out so we could do a big mythological download episode at this point so that it would allow us to have the end of the show be more character-centric. That’s the way we chose to tell our story.

I get a little defensive vibe there, but hey, it’s their show. I’m not going to stop watching now.