Right-wing nervous breakdown

So does Joe Klein describe “the froth-at-the-mouth-rabidity [which] seems to be increasing across the board…and the reason for this is the probable passage of the health care reform legislation on Sunday in the House of Representatives.”
Klein goes on to enumerate several of the things the bill will do, and then says:

This is a big deal.
And a big problem for Republicans who, yet again, have chosen not to participate in the extension of a basic human right to all Americans–the right to health care–a right that is common throughout the rest of the civilized world. There is talk of the GOP starting a “Repeal Health Care” campaign as soon as the bill is passed, but that’s not a likely scenario. Indeed, Democrats are salivating over the notion of such a campaign. They’ll be able to run for Congress next fall, saying: “We made sure no one can ever take away your health insurance…and the Republicans want to repeal that right.”

I hope Speaker Pelosi has the votes on Sunday.


  1. I can’t link it here because the WaPo runs Dionne’s columns a couple of days behind on the web site, they’re only up to Thursday. But today’s column on this was really good, he said, the Democrats are about to pass a Republican, market-based health care reform, and the Republicans are about to vote “no” on it. Look for it on their site in a day or two.

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