Down the drain

No, not the Democrats’ legislative agenda. Alcohol.
We cleaned out the bottles and cans of material in our standalone bar. I watched as a dozen open half-empty bottles of wine, a bunch of jars of olives and onions (sell by date: 2005), and old canned sodas went down the kitchen sink.
Memories could have been made of those. Or possibly amnesia.


  1. We did something like this right after Jim stopped drinking permanently. I had a box of ancient whisky and brandy bottles, opened but not for over 20 years, in the basement. I gave it to a friend in my chorus who was curious what it tasted like.
    I hope this was just housecleaning and not an adjunct to rehab; if it is rehab, good luck with it.

  2. …and I’ve been considering it since the 15 yo discovered beer with the cousins. TMoMD doesn’t drink, and I do only rarely. We have an unopened bottle of Jack Daniels that someone brought to my dad’s wake in 2005.
    And I’ll ditto what hedera said….

  3. Not rehab, no. We quit drinking six or seven years ago. This was precipitated by hearing noises in the night, possibly of the mousy variety. I went looking for holes, droppings, whatever, and that caused this cleanup.

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