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I thought he did well. I’d have liked a little more fire and brimstone directed at The Party of No, but evidently Obama and his team felt this wasn’t the time or place for it. Equally, it could just not be his style to express anger in public.
Exhorting his fellow Democrats to remember they still had the largest majority in both Houses of Congress they’ve had in years was (should be) a spine-stiffener.
Telling the Republicans that if they insist on supermajorities for every piece of legislation they’re equally responsible sounded good, but will undoubtedly have little effect on that group of ideologues, who couldn’t even applaud for tax cuts. That shows where their focus is: political gain, not the general welfare of Americans.
I thought it was a good speech, not a great one.

One Comment

  1. Well, I liked it. It did raise my spirits a bit.
    Now he needs to back up the speech with some actions that push forward the initiatives that he’s trying to accomplish. I just wish he’d knock off the attempts at bipartisanship. The Repubs are NOT going to change their game plan of “Just Say NO”, so bypass them and get the jobs done. The country needs help now. If they’re not going to help (and they’re not), then ignore them. One year of trying to get their cooperation is enough!!

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