
In my lifetime I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Senator behave the way Lieberman has behaved over the past few days. Not three months ago he was all for expanding Medicare to people 55 and older. Sunday on “Face the Nation” he said he would vote against health care reform if that plan was included.
And why? Well, if you believe Howard Fineman of “Newsweek” it’s partly payback to the Democratic grassroots for their temerity in supporting Ned Lamont in the Connecticut Senate primary in 2006.

FINEMAN: The other half is it’s personal with Joe, not with Obama, ’cause don’t forget that Obama, the President, supported Lieberman in the fight in the party in Connecticut. It’s the grassroots left of the Democratic Party …
MATTHEWS: That enjoyed his torture.
FINEMAN: That enjoyed his torture and this is payback to them. Obama, excuse me, the President’s caught in the middle here. That’s my take on it.
MATTHEWS: So he wants Markos Moulitsas to take a hit.
FINEMAN: He wants Kos, he wants Firedoglake, he wants all those people who rode around on the bus of the challenger, who defeated him in the Democratic primary.

And screw the 46 million people who desperately need health insurance.
Lieberman’s quite the man, isn’t he?


  1. Well, I wish they’d hurry up and do it. The man raises my blood pressure every time I see him!! Or hear him!! Or even think about him!!!

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