Imagine if she had any real influence

The age requirement for Medicare eligibility is 65.
Apparently Maria Bartiromo (CNBC’s “Money Honey”) doesn’t know that.

Relevant part of the 1:37 clip:

MS. BARTIROMO: How come you don’t use it? You don’t have it. How come you don’t have it?
REP. WEINER: Because I’m not 65. I would love it.

I hope nobody thinks her stock picks are valuable information.


  1. She really is one of the most spectacularly clueless people on the planet. My first impression of her was when she once guested on the McLaughlin Group. It was right about when gas prices were going through the roof and it was really becoming clear to everyone but the administration that we were headed for recession. She opined that rising prices for fuel weren’t a problem because they weren’t causing much inflation in any other sectors except for food, but that wouldn’t be much of a problem for most people. McLaughlin had to point out to her that food costs most affect those that can least afford them.

  2. That’s what the TV “news” editors get when they are more concerned with picking a woman with a pretty face than getting one who has a brain in her head. I guess they figure that, with 24 hours to fill, they might just as well go for looks to keep people looking.
    Looks are a nice feature to have (Rachel Maddow, for example) but, please, the news is important. Let’s go for the smarts!!

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