We few, we happy few

Press release:

An online database containing 250,000 service records of soldiers who saw active duty in the latter phases of the Hundred Years War (1369-1453), has been published as part of the Medieval Soldierresearch project.

The Hundred Years War? Are you kidding me?

the researchers at the University of Reading and University of Southampton have analysed historic sources such as muster rolls records in the National Archives at Kew and the Biblioth?que nationale de France in Paris ( for records of English garrisons in France ). The resulting Medieval Soldier database enables people to search for soldiers by surname, rank or year of service.
Using resources such as the proceedings of the Court of Chivalry, the researchers have also been able to build a picture of career progression and class mobility through what they believe are the origins of England’s first professional army, creating complex profiles of individual soldiers. The database includes, for example, the names of many archers who served with Henry V at Agincourt.

Do you think you may have had an ancestor in that fight? Search by name!
Boggled, I am.
There were nine men with the same last name as my grandmother’s married name; none with my last name.


  1. Well, you know, if you are into genealogical research, this is definitely a tasty tidbit to dangle in front of someone. My off and on research into my family’s background hasn’t gotten back that far but, if it ever did, I would be thrilled at the opportunity.
    Actually, I’m pleased to find more and more stuff online as I don’t really think I will ever get back to Salt Lake City to search the Mormon Church’s archives.
    Now, if we can just get Michelle Bachman and the other anti-census nuts to leave the census alone, our great-grandchildren will be able to find out lots of info on us when they start searching in about 50 years.

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