Blue Dog “Democrats”

Nineteen House Democrats wrote to Speaker Pelosi to say any health care plan must exclude coverage for abortion procedures or they won’t vote for it.
Here are their names:

Reps. Dan Boren (D-OK); Bart Stupak (D-MI); Colin Peterson (D-MN); Tim Holden (D-PA); Travis Childers (D-MS); Lincoln Davis (D-TN); Heath Shuler (D-NC) Solomon Ortiz (D-TX); Mike McIntyre (D-NC); Jerry Costello (D-IL); Gene Taylor (D-MS); James Oberstar (D-MN); Bobby Bright (D-AL); Steve Driehaus (D-OH); Marcy Kaptur (D-OH); Charlie Melancon (D-LA); John Murtha (D-PA); Paul Kanjorski (D-PA); and Kathleen Dahlkemper (D-PA).

If one of these is your representative and you think any health care plan ought to include coverage of abortion, you might want to call and say that letter doesn’t express your position and that you’d like your representative in Congress to remember that not all constituents think alike.


  1. Or, conversely, they’re worried now that there are 60 potential Democratic votes in the Senate. They might actually have to face the issues rather than dodge, knowing until Franken was confirmed the Senate couldn’t do anything to get around a Republican filibuster.

  2. The California delegation has its problems, but at least I don’t have to worry about them pulling a stunt like this.
    On the subject of the religious right, listen to Terry Gross on today’s Fresh Air interviewing the author of The Family. It scared the bejeezus out of me, this gang is MUCH weirder than Jerry Falwell’s motley crew… I’d be willing to bet that at least some of these yoyos can be found at “the C Street house” (listen to it), helping to make democracy safe for Jesus by eliminating everything else…

  3. Goodness, these people get on my nerves.
    If the health care plan is going to cover the cost of Viagra, then it had better cover the cost of contraceptives and abortion services. To do anything less is hypocritical to the max.

  4. Thanks for the list. While my representative is not on it, I’m appalled at the number of Democrats who are. I agree with Illanoy Gal.

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