Old-time music

Tiring day getting the car detailed ($100 + tax) downtown, so let me point you to an interesting website.
The Kingston Trio sang a lot of different folk songs back in the 1950s and 1960s. Jim Moran has taken up the task of finding YouTube performances by the Trio and then finding other versions on YouTube for comparative purposes. This may sound a little eccentric, but it’s fascinating. One of the most interesting to me is The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. I’ll bet you thought Roberta Flack originated it, didn’t you? Not so. Her version may set the standard by which all others are judged, but it was first sung by Peggy Seeger, who also happened to be the person who inspired Ewan MacColl to write it. Seeger’s version was followed by ones by the Trio, Johnny Cash, and — wait for it — Elvis Presley. Only then did Roberta Flack record it.
If you know your way around folk music, this site will fascinate you. If you don’t, it will educate you. Check it out.

One Comment

  1. You’re right…it is a fascinating site…and now a huge time sink…although not one I’m going to complain about. Thanks!

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