Dear Pres-elect

Perhaps this will cure you of your belief that “post-partisanship” is possible.

. . . the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, spoke out forcefully against the [auto bailout] bill, effectively ending its chances despite the urgings of the White House.
In a speech on the Senate floor, Mr. McConnell said he and other Republicans had drawn a clear distinction between the Treasury?s $700 billion economic stabilization, which they helped pass in October, and the proposal to aid the American automakers, which he said raised questions about which industries or individuals deserve help.

So what have the Republicans offered as a compromise?

Among other things, the alternate plan offered by Mr. Corker calls for giving the holders of bonds issued by the auto companies 30 cents on the dollar to ease the companies? debt burden; immediately bringing workers? wages in line with foreign companies like Nissan and Volkswagen; and forcing the United Automobile Workers to eliminate payments to workers after their jobs have been eliminated.

Mr. Obama, you cannot work with these people. You have to steamroll over them.