Conservapedia, your source for stupid

If you’re in need of a source to provide evidence of the idiocy of some of your fellow citizens, let me recommend Conservapedia, specifically its entry on President-elect Obama. The first paragraph alone contains more misrepresentations than one would think possible:

Barack Hussein Obama II (allegedly born in Honolulu,[1][2][3] August 4, 1961) served as a first-term Democratic Senator from Illinois (2004-2008) and then, along with his running mate Senator Joseph Biden, won the presidential election[4] after twenty-three months of campaigning, raising and spending an unprecedented $650 million, most of which came from anonymous donors. An apparent Muslim, Obama could use the Koran when he is sworn into office.[5]

To take one example, see those three citations after the listing of his birthplace? They lead to

  1. A WorldNetDaily story about a lawsuit to keep California’s electoral votes from being cast for Obama until “citizenship” issues are resolved.
  2. A large, hi-res scan of his Hawai’i birth certificate
  3. A Honolulu TV station’s report of the Hawai’i State Department of Health’s verification of said birth certificate

Items 2 and 3 directly contradict the claim in Item 1, but never mind.
This is what passes for intelligent reference-building on the Right.
Pointer to Conservapedia entry found in the comments to this post at Lawyers, Guns and Money.