Experimental cooking

I like barbecued pulled pork, but I’ve never tried to make it.
Until now.
I used this recipe: Crock pot barbecue pork

* 1.5Kg or 3.3 lb pork shoulder
* 100ml or 4 floz of water
* salt and pepper to taste
* barbecue sauce of your choice
Place the pork shoulder in the crock pot, pour in the water and lightly season with the salt and pepper. Cover and cook on high for 1 hour. Now turn to low and cook for a further 8 hours by which time the meat should be extremely tender. Remove the pork from the slow cooker and place on a carving board.
Chop or shred the pork and then throw it back into the crock pot with a little barbecue sauce of your choice. Cook for a further 1 hour and you?re ready to slap it in a bun!

Well, not really. Low on my 20-year-old West Bend Slo Cooker is a little too low. After 8 hours at that level the roast was still very rubbery. I turned it up to high for a couple of hours (I was annoyed), then took it off the heat and refrigerated it overnight. Long about 1:30 the following afternoon I took it out and put it on at medium for a couple more hours. At that point I could shred it. I did, drained off the liquid, added the meat back into the pot, poured in about 4 oz. of barbecue sauce, and slow-cooked it at medium for another hour.
Next time I think I’ll add 6 oz. of sauce; it wasn’t quite drippy enough for my taste. But we both liked it just fine, and now that I know how my cooker’s heating element behaves, I can do this again with more confidence.


  1. Here’s how I cook mine. Same ingredients.
    Smoke for about 9 hours on the grill. Take off. Put in crockpot crock. Put crock in fridge overnight. Take out next morning and cook on low for about 6 hours.
    The trick it to let it sit in its own juices overnight.

  2. So other than the grill, I more or less did what you do. How funny!
    We have a gas grill, no smoker; I’ll be darned if I’m gonna tend that thing for nine hours. I assume you just leave it alone for all that time.

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