CNN sinks to new low

Hard to believe that a network which calls itself “The Most Trusted Name in News” could allow an invited guest to use language like this about a sitting US Senator and Presidential candidate, but apparently sexist remarks and five-letter words about women don’t rise to the level that racist remarks and six-letter words about African-Americans do.

From TPM Election Central (video at the link):

On CNN a few moments ago, analyst Jeffery Toobin argued that Hillary was right when she said in an interview that coverage of the race has been “sexist,” buttressing his case by pointing to a recent newspaper column suggesting that Hillary is a “white bitch.” Toobin, unsurprisingly, took issue with this, saying that it was “appalling” that this was considered acceptable.
GOP consultant Alex Castellanos, someone who presumably was on CNN’s panel because he’d been invited by the network’s producers, disagreed.

“Some women, by the way, are named that, and it’s accurate,” Castellanos said. He went on to buttress his case by pointing out that Hillary is “abrasive, aggressive, irritating.”

Castellanos, by the way, is an advisor to the McCain campaign.

Please explain to me why the word “bitch” from an invited commentator is acceptable to CNN.