An omission

After using an Amazon gift certificate to acquire The Very Best of Fleetwood Mac I have concluded that I’ve been vastly underrating Stevie Nicks as a songwriter.
One of the nice things about getting older is that all your favorite musical acts or their labels have issued “Greatest Hits” compilations, which is useful if you never bought their entire catalogue the first time around. Sure you miss some wonderful album tracks, but you can always go back and buy them one at a time from iTunes if you’re so inclined.


  1. The Best of complilations are good for those of us who did buy full catalogs because considering that the first round were all vinyl…we’ve been through 8-tracks, cassetes and CDs and that represents a fortune invested in the same music. oh woe what’s next?

  2. There’s that, too. Easily the first 20 CDs I bought were replacements for vinyl that I still have. I finally spent $85 for a new ugly but functional turntable so I could continue to play the records rather than spend $10-$15 a pop for the equivalent CD.

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