Hire these people? Hell no!

In a story which seems somehow emblematic of Republican rule over the past seven years, the chairman of the party’s own Congressional Committee seems to have embezzled up to a million bucks from its coffers.

For at least four years, Christopher J. Ward, who is under investigation by the FBI, allegedly used wire transfers to funnel money out of NRCC coffers and into other political committee accounts he controlled as treasurer, NRCC leaders and lawyers said in their first public statement since they turned the matter over to the FBI six weeks ago.
. . .Ward was the only NRCC official empowered to use wire transfers to shift money into any account without a second approval. After transferring the money into accounts he controlled, often for dormant fundraising committees associated with the NRCC, Ward allegedly moved it into accounts for his political consulting business or his personal bank accounts

Yessiree Bob, the Republican party is full of men of sterling character. They should be entrusted with the reins of government for the next hundred years (as long as “government” is meant as “no office higher than animal control, and not even that if fiduciary responsibility is involved”).
At least the Post put this story on Page A1, unlike its Iraq coverage, which seems to be permanently relegated to A12 or deeper. Did you know that the latest American deaths over there have pushed the total to nearly 4,000?


  1. I’ll bet they’ll expend a little more energy trying to find out where THESE dollars went than they did about the $9 billion or so in cash that was looted in Iraq.

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