Five years on

Has there ever been a United States Administration as deluded as this one? Bush, today:

Five years into this battle, there is an understandable debate over whether the war was worth fighting, whether the fight is worth winning, and whether we can win it. The answers are clear to me: Removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right decision — and this is a fight America can and must win.

Cheney, today:

“On the security front, I think there’s a general consensus that we’ve made major progress, that the surge has worked. That’s been a major success,” Cheney told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz.
When asked about how that jibes with recent polls that show about two-thirds of Americans say the fight in Iraq is not worth it, Cheney replied, “So?”
“You don’t care what the American people think?” Raddatz asked the vice president.
“You can’t be blown off course by polls,” said Cheney, who is currently on a tour of the Middle East. “This president is very courageous and determined to go the course. There has been a huge fundamental change and transformation for the better. That’s a huge accomplishment.”

They really do live in a bubble, and they show no interest in it being punctured by the cold knife of reality.

One Comment

  1. It’s not a shocker that they would say those things. It is just scary! Makes me wonder what else they will get us into right before they leave the Whitehouse. They’re like the terrible tenants who would trash the place right before they move out.

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