Billions here, billions there

Economist Joseph Stiglitz has a new book titled The Three Trillion Dollar War. The $3T in the title “casts a spotlight on expense items that have been hidden from the U.S. taxpayer, including not only big-ticket items like replacing military equipment (being used up at six times the peacetime rate) but also the cost of caring for thousands of wounded veterans?for the rest of their lives.”
Bob Farley doesn’t try to crossfoot to Stiglitz’s number, but he does point out the following (with supporting links there):

For the monthly cost of the war in Iraq, conservatively estimated for our purposes at $8 billion, the Pentagon could buy:

  • 10 F-22A Raptors ($150 million each)
  • 23 F-35 Lightning IIs ($100 million each)
  • 4 Littoral Combat Ships ($650 million each)
  • 1 Zumwalt Destroyer ($1.5 billion each)

… and still have $100 million left to help us feel good about the Air Force.
Every. Single. Month.

And Farley’s accounting just states what the Pentagon might do with that money. Imagine what the other agencies of the Federal Government might do with it if it weren’t earmarked for DOD.


  1. I was just talking about that the other day! Can you imagine if we could take even one month’s worth and put it towards solar energy or other renewable energy? (Screw dependence on oil!) Or how about healthcare? Or housing? Or education?
    It also got me thinking–where was this $ being spent or stashed before the war?

  2. “where was this $ being spent or stashed before the war?”
    It didn’t exist. Every penny has been borrowed. In every other war taxes have been raised to pay its expenses; not this one. Bush’s tax cuts have reduced revenue and the national debt has risen trillions accordingly.

  3. Figures. What does he care? He won’t be around to clean it up. If only the middle class would rise up and refuse to make the rich richer. There’s so many of us and yet . . . deep sigh.

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