This defense can’t wash

Mukasey said that because waterboarding was part of a program approved by Justice lawyers, there is no way the department can open a criminal investigation into the practice.
“Waterboarding, because it was authorized to be part of a program … cannot possibly be the subject of a Justice Department investigation,” Mukasey said in response to questions from panel Chairman John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.).

So said the Attorney General of the United States today in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.
Um, wasn’t “I was only following orders” thrown out as a defense about 60 years ago at Nuremberg? Yes it was.
Displaying the number of controversial pardons Bush is going to issue on January 19, 2009 may need scientific notation.


  1. “….waterboarding was part of a program approved by Justice lawyers….
    ….and just whom would it be that hired those justice lawyers?

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