Hawai’i caucuses

The political class in this town is positively giddy. Hawai’i’ is actually having a nationally meaningful election (ok, caucus) this evening. Usually we’re an afterthought; in fact, in 1980 Carter conceded to Reagan before our polls had even closed, which may have driven down our already anemic turnout.
Not this time.

Caucus turnout has never exceeded 5,000 but party officials believe that figure could double tonight and could reach as high as 12,000. Local volunteers for U.S. Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois are suggesting that turnout could even climb into the 15,000 to 18,000 range, which would likely overwhelm party volunteers conducting the presidential preference poll.

Tonight’s vote selects 20 of the 29 delegates who will attend the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August; the other 9 break down as follows:

  • 8 unpledged party leaders and elected officials, or superdelegates: The party chairman, vice chairman and two other members of the Democratic National Committee; two U.S. senators; two U.S. representatives.
  • 1 unpledged add-on delegate

It should be exciting.


  1. I’m temping at our local Elections Office. I see things in a little different light than the usual “joe.”
    My favorite call thus far (we have 3 more elections to go this year!) is one woman called up on Wednesday (the day after Super Tuesday) and said that she just got a call saying that her polling place was now open. She didn’t know where her polling place was. I told her that the election was the day before on Tuesday. She said that was impossible because the call she received from someone said that the polling place was now open. I, again, tried to talk some sense into her about when the Election was. She then asked if she could just then vote now over the phone since she had me on the line!
    Aloha! 🙂

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