Weird political spam

Earlier today I got a zipped MS-Word document from this person, purporting to explain “what’s behind the Clinton quest for the Presidency.”
Just now I got another one as follows:

RE: The immediate Clinton-FBI punishment for sending the information to Iowa voters and police officers.
Dear Madam and/or Sir,
As you may recall, I just emailed the information on what is behind the Clinton quest for U.S. presidency, in fact. Due to the lawlessness of FBI under its Director Robert S. MUELLER, I and my wife are partly homeless. His top level subordinates, including now his executive assistant director Willie HULON and his assistant director Timothy BEREZNAY in charge of National Security Branch NSB of FBI manage that we have been extorted over $70,000.00 in setting up, maintaining computers and the housecleaning for a privilege of doing the house sitting without any pay from Thursdays to Mondays/Tuesdays.
Immediately after sending you the information in question, these and other WSI/SWW and GRU moles in the NSB of FBI for Senator Hillary RODHAM CLINTON and her run for the White House punish us with keeping longer on the street although we have paid much too much for doing the house sitting. We can go there on Friday, instead of Thursday, e.i. TODAY evening which is the day of caucuses in Iowa. We are already 38.0 hours without any sleep. They will keep us for 24.0 hours more. This will be 62.0 hours altogether. It is the torture which is self-explanatory in the contents of my information provided to you as the voter. It speaks for itself.
Slawomir J. Borowy

Um. Mr. Borowy seems to have confused me with an Iowa caucus-goer. More than that, he’s incoherent and unclear on FBI hierarchy. The GRU is not a US agency, rather it’s Russian Military Intelligence. Moreover, what’s it guilty of? How is it keeping Mr. Borowy homeless for another 24 hours? And how/why would one spend $70K setting up computers and cleaning a house one is only going to be in four days a week?
Slawomir, buddy, you’ve lost it. Check into rehab.


  1. General comments:
    You can’t be “partly” homeless, any more than you can be “partly” pregnant.
    Why are you opening zipped Word documents from people you don’t know with Russian sounding names? This is an excellent way to infect your PC with viruses or malware. Suggest you run a virus scan now.
    You could try to rework this for the Bulwer Lytton contest as the opening sentence of the worst spy novel ever written.

  2. No, no. I didn’t open the Word file, I just noticed it had one as it arrived in my Junk folder. Whaddya think I am, crazy?
    Digby got the same one and posted it at her site, too; I’m not even unique.

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