1. There’s been much interesting coverage of these guys in recent days: their pregame rituals, the (relatively) threadbare state of their facilities, and the easy shrugging off of violent crime as a mistake, as can only happen when American sportswriters are writing about athletes on the home team.
    I expect awareness of Hawai’i to shoot up in the next day or two.
    Detectives Beyond Borders
    “Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”

  2. I don’t know of any violent crimes in anyone’s background; certainly there are a couple of borderline cases, but no more than you’ll find on most big-time college programs, from what I can tell. Hawai’i didn’t suspend 36 players from a bowl game like Florida State did.

  3. I just got back from a week with my parents in Alabama. Guess what conference we watched on TV? (Again and again, ad nauseum. It’s rough being a conference so superior to all others that one is forced to be in so many different bowl games.*)
    Someone gave LiJun an Auburn logo face tatoo, and she didn’t understand why so many people in the Atlanta airport had the same logo, or shouted “War Eagle!” at her**. I tried to explain, but she doesn’t have the conceptual framework for it.
    I’m sorry about the Sugar Bowl. I was rooting for the Warriors!
    Being from Auburn, we hate the whole Bowden family with a passion, but I do have to point out that the Florida players weren’t suspended for violent crimes, but for cheating in their coursework.
    *Yes, I’m being sarcastic.
    ** Auburn played Clemson in Atlanta the night before, in case you missed it. And won, yes.
    Which reminds me, much belatedly….Did you happen to watch the Auburn/Alabama game on ESPN? If so, that was my brother in the pre-game interview, along with his lovely wife.

  4. Juli, why are you letting facts get in the way of my narrative? 😉
    No, I didn’t see the Auburn-Alabama game (the only UA game I pay attention to is Arizona-ASU, but then I went to that Tucson school); I wish I had. What prominence had he that he was he interviewed before such an important event?

  5. ESPN has several hours of pre-game time to fill, so they did a little segment on “mixed marriages.” I gather that one of the other running pre-game segments has one of the reporters eating at a local place and praising the food (local color, they say). While he was eating around town in Auburn he asked several people if they knew any Auburn fans married to Alabama fans. Several people mentioned my brother and sister-in-law. It was cute, and LiJun was gobsmacked to see people she knows on TV.
    As for your UA, my favorite aunt lives in Tempe. I begin to suspect we’ll never agree on football. 😉

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