You want immunity too?

Jack Balkin finds this nugget in the President’s message issued upon signing the FISA abomination:

When Congress returns in September the Intelligence committees and leaders in both parties will need to complete work on the comprehensive reforms requested by Director McConnell, including the important issue of providing meaningful liability protection to those who are alleged to have assisted our Nation following the attacks of September 11, 2001.

What? Anybody Bush claims has helped us in the GWOT (sic) should get blanket immunity from whatever actions they might have taken ever since then? This seems to be a “Get out of Jail Free” card for every torturer, every war criminal, every contractor who overbilled the US government, every foreign agent he likes, and, crucially, anyone in his Administration up to and including himself.
Holy Mother of God, the man really does think he’s King.


  1. It seems to be that “meaningful liability protection to those who are alleged to have assisted our Nation following the attacks of September 11, 2001” should include all of us because we’ve been acting as true patriots trying to fight the abominations that this GWBush government has foisted on America and the constitution. And if we are to assume the same rigors they have, we have many tools at our disposal that most of us would never dare to use. Yup. That’s what I think.

  2. foremost it includes protection for Bush, as well. In fact, if the new FISA legislation didn’t cover Bush’s ass, he wouldn’t be pushing it purely for the sake of the people below him.

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