Movie prices

As mentioned below, I saw “Order of the Phoenix” yesterday. It was the first movie I’d seen in a theater since “Goblet of Fire,” which I saw on Dec. 26, 2005. I didn’t record the ticket price in that entry, but I suspect it was at or close to the same amount I paid for my ticket yesterday, which was $6.50 for a matinee ($9 for Friday-Saturday nights). The place where I saw it is a stadium-seating theater. It’s quite comfortable. I bought the largest bag of popcorn they sold for $5.50 (to take some home for Mom) and a medium soda for $4.25.
Let’s review:

  • $6.50 to get in the door
  • $5.50 for enough popcorn for two
  • $4.25 for soda for one

That’s $16.25 for one person’s entertainment. How the hell does a family of four afford it?
What’s a night at the movies cost in your neighborhood?


  1. Two matin?es: 11:00
    Medium popcorn and 2 med. drinks: 11:00
    So, 22:00 for two adults who both have time to attend matin?es.
    We have not seen a movie for fill price in I-can’t-tell-you-how-long.

  2. Wow, you get away cheap. Tickets here are around $7.75, last time I was at the movies. We only do matinees, which are about $4.50, if I recall correctly from Night at the Museum (hey, I have a five year old). I think the snacks were about the same as yours, we just share the single soda and the popcorn.
    Needless to say, we do movies at home most of the time. Usually only going to the theater when we get a free ticket or two – though we all go together as a family. Rather wish we hadn’t for the last one. Ben Stiller really annoys me – at least the boy had the big fun, which is rather the point.

  3. There used to be a number of second-run theatres here where you could go see a movie for cheap, but most have closed. The one remaining is far enough away that gas costs chew up any advantage to going there.
    That’s why the last film I saw in a theatre was “Goodnight and Good Luck.”

  4. We rarely go to the movies. We’re so far behind in movies, that we can often see “new” movies on television.
    Much less expensive, and better popcorn.

  5. That is CHEAP.
    Movie tickets here are $12, and a lot of theaters don’t have matinee prices anymore. You can get reserved seating for an extra $2. Which, actually, is pretty worth it if you’re already spending $12 anyway.
    But between the absurd prices and rude fellow movie goers, I very rarely feel a movie is worth seeing in the theater. Netflix and On Demand are the way to go for me.

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