He did it His Way

The president?s call for more troops comes less than two months after Gen. John Abizaid, the outgoing head of the U.S. Central Command, said that such an increase would not help matters in Iraq. It thus marks a clear break with Mr. Bush?s frequent assertion that he would rely on his commanders to determine optimum force levels.
The idea of an increase goes, as well, against the recommendation of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, which had called for the withdrawal by early next year of most U.S. combat units from Iraq.

But hey, Bill Kristol, Fred Kagan and General Keane all think it’s a good idea, so…
God forbid Bush listen to the professional military people.
Do you think he’ll sue the Iraq Study Group for non-performance, since he’s doing the opposite of what they said?


  1. Do you think somebody had to go through Durbin’s response speech and Find and Replace soldier for Gestapo?

  2. That was a dumb thing to say. Sorry for trolling your blog; Durbin just makes me furious. And, the fact that it was Durbin, instead of anybody with juice, is sort of insulting.

  3. Andrew, I hadn’t heard Durbin’s response when I read your comment, so I hadn’t a clue what you meant. I’m still not sure I understand what you meant.
    That wasn’t what I consider trolling; just a snarky remark born of frustration, I suppose.

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