Wish books

If you’re like us, you get a million zillion catalogs in the mail, particularly if you’ve ordered from one or two in the past. Here’s one I like.

One of the premiums offered during the HPR Pledge Drive is a portable radio [link removed at company’s request since it doesn’t meet Google’s Webmaster Guidelines for Search Engine Optimization — if you think that’s idiotic, so do I] which can be hand-cranked in the event of a power outage; it also has a built-in cellphone charger. It’s made by Grundig, which is a famous name among radio manufacturers.

I found that in a catalog from Herrington [link removed at company’s request since it doesn’t meet Google’s Webmaster Guidelines for Search Engine Optimization — if you think that’s idiotic, so do I]; far be it from me to suggest you don’t have enough junk mail, but this catalog is full of fun things to browse through when it gets into your mailbox. It sells foam inserts for your cupholder which will wrap around your cellphone, Aloha shirts with your university logo and scenes from the campus emblazoned on them, bags, shoes, Lionel trains (!), watches, tools…it’s a larger version of The Sharper Image, and far less pricey.