Facts matter

Read this story from a former reporter about VJ Day. This is why people are up in arms about Disney/ABC’s insistence on showing a film about 9/11 which has been proven to be wrong on the facts.

It’s incumbent upon us as citizens to get it right, and you can’t get it right if you’re selective with the facts. The only way to get the facts is to listen and investigate. We as a nation have yet to do either in any satisfactory way.


  1. I never saw the movie Pearl Harbor. Was it 100% accurate? It appeared on ABC. Nobody called for their broadcast licenses to be revoked.
    History is important, and it’s important for people not to believe lies. And it’s bad when lies are told. All of this is true, and none of it demands that a movie containing fabrications (“wrong on the facts” isn’t sufficiently clear, as the movie is not wrong about absolutely everything; I don’t expect you mind the movie’s depiction of Mr. Bush’s failure to capture or kill Bin Laden) be spiked, or that the company responsible for such a movie lose its broadcast licenses. Opposing those two outcomes does not insult any one who is “up in arms” about the movie. It’s fine to be up in arms about it. It’s not fine to support a remedy which is worse than the problem. When the problem is a bad movie, the remedy is explaining what’s wrong with it.

  2. When the problem is a bad movie, the remedy is explaining what’s wrong with it.
    Which would be fine if you could ensure you’d reach the same people who saw the original film. It’s why I gripe about newspaper corrections that appear on the editorial page at the bottom, rather than in the same space where the original incorrect article appeared.

  3. allow Bush to have a last hurrah before his impending impeachment. This is just the latest prank that militates in favor that he brought it all (impeachment) upon himself.

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