Conclusions jump on conclusion-jumpers

Hello, CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews? With the news that John Mark Karr’s DNA doesn’t match that found at the Jon Benet Ramsey crime scene and that the charges have been dropped, would you care to ask yourselves some soul-searching questions, like “Why did we blow this up into a two-week media frenzy with no hard evidence?”
No, probably not.


  1. Methinks it’s time for a credibility meter to be installed in the lower right corner of the teevee screen, just above the incessant crawl.

  2. There is absolutely no good reason, ever, to watch television news. Except maybe for the local weather forecast.

  3. There is absolutely no good reason, ever, to watch television news. Except maybe for the local weather forecast.
    No way, you can get the forecast online without having to sit through the rest of the crap. I also get my local news online through my google home page. . .
    Hey, it’s about to be college football season; don’t you root for UofA or ASU or NAU?
    Football, football – is that the one with the elongated ball?

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