Ah, Italia

I wish Romano Prodi, the newly-elected Prime Minister of Italy, all the luck in the world. He may need it, in the face of his opponent’s poor grace. But I do wish he didn’t sound quite so much like our own illustrious President when he said this yesterday:

In comments to reporters today, Mr. Prodi played down the significance of the fight, saying that he would resolve the issue by Monday.
“I will serenely make a decision,” he said, according to the ANSA news agency. “Everyone will be obliged to accept it. It will not be a difficult decision, even if it obviously might be painful, like all decisions in these cases.”

The issue in question? Which of these two guys becomes head of the lower house of Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies. Massimo D’Alema of the largest coalition party, Democrats of the Left, and Fausto Bertinotti of the Refounded Communists both want the title.
An Italian Decider?


  1. Unlike the Cowboy, I suspect that Berlusconi is very smart but is twisted by his meglomania. I’m guessing that his defeat completely surprised him because he’s always acted like, “what’s not to love”?

  2. Not to mention his ownership of virtually all media in the country. I’ve always thought it would be like Murdoch running for President with Sumner Redstone as the VP candidate.

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