La chaise-escabeau

We have a kitchen stool which is 20-25 years old and getting rusty, so in a fit of nostalgia we bought one of these to replace it. The manufacturer is in Indiana, the seller was Target, and it got to us very quickly. It came unassembled, but it did have instructions. Unfortunately the instructions were in French. That’s it. No English, no Spanish, just French.
Anyone have an explanation for this?


  1. It was probably bound for Montreal….maybe? A lot of what we buy here…the stuff that comes with words…has both English and French on it…just in case the brakes fail and the truck heads into British Columbia by mistake.

  2. What struck me was that the instructions weren’t bilingual. I’d have expected English/Spanish, maybe English/Spanish/French, or even (as I’ve seen for other things) English/Spanish/French/Japanese/Chinese. But monolingual in a language that’s not in heavy use in the US? Weird. (I imagine it was just a mistake in the packaging process.)

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