“Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream”

Here’s a dream I wish would come true. I met a pretty girl who worked in radio and knew somebody who knew how to fix my long-dead TEAC A-5300 reel-to-reel tape deck. When we got it back from her friend, all the photographs I’ve taken over the past 25 years had magically been transformed into a long-running video tape which ran on the thing. I was in awe. These things were all taken on 35-mm film, first on a Petri 7S and then on a Canon A-1; I suppose it’s technically feasible to convert the negatives to DVD, but to 1/4″ tape? Cool!
Then I woke up.
(Title stolen from an Ed McCurdy song).


  1. Dude — I learned to edit on one of those things in my first radio class. Can’t tell you how many times I sliced my hand digging around in my backpack for the razor blades and china marker. Wow — thx for the ride in the way-back machine.

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