Fun with initials

If you recognize more than a few of these initials, you’re of a certain age, I suspect. NAACP, CORE, SNCC, SDS, VVAW, SCLC, VISTA, FSM, NUL, ICBM, MIRV, SEATO, NATO, SALT, SAO, EEC, SMERSH, SPECTRE, UNCLE, THRUSH, and KAOS.
What are they? Answers below the fold.

NAACP=Nat’l Ass’n for the Advancement of Colored People; CORE=Congress Of Racial Equality; SNCC=Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee; SDS=Students for a Democratic Society; VVAW=Vietnam Veterans Against the War; SCLC=Southern Christian Leadership Conference; VISTA=Volunteers In Service To America; FSM=Free Speech Movement; NUL=National Urban League; ICBM=Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile; MIRV=multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles; SEATO= Southeast Asia Treaty Organization; NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization; SALT=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks; SAO=Secret Army Organization; EEC=European Economic Community (Common Market); SMERSH=Smyert Spionam (Bond); SPECTRE=Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion (Bond); U.N.C.L.E.=United Network Command for Law and Enforcement; THRUSH=The Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity; KAOS=nothing.


  1. [written before checking the answers]
    Depends what you mean by “recognize”. I think I know where SMERSH, SPECTRE, UNCLE, THRUSH, and KAOS come from (though I might not have them correctly assigned to the right show), but couldn’t tell you what all the initals stand for.
    The only one I don’t recognize is SAO. Then again, I’m of that certain age.

  2. SAO would only be familiar if you knew what the French were doing in Algeria, I guess. I remember it from a Helen MacInnes novel (The Venetian Affair).

  3. Whoa, I not only recognize them, but I know the acro expansions for all but a few. What age does that make me? Cold War something, eh?

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