Killer algae eater

(Click to enlarge)

Monday I got one of these to go into our fish tank. If you look closely at the enlarged photo, you’ll see the back of the tank was starting to get an algae buildup. This guy has been in there for a couple of days, and the glass is absolutely clean. Amazing, but now I’m worried. Do we generate enough algae to keep him alive? He’s also one of the most active fish I’ve ever seen; he continuously makes vertical passes up and down the tank. Now I have to figure out what sort of fish can live with him; his “sociability” seems to be fairly low, judging from that link. Neon tetras, maybe?


  1. It’ll be fine, don’t worry about it. He’ll find plenty to clean up and eat. And I could be wrong about this, but I think they eat fish doo-doo as well as algae; he’s got plenty to eat.
    I just want to say, that fish tank is freakin’ SWEET.

  2. I have kept a chinese algae eater before with Zebra Danios, Red tail sharks, bala sharks, cat sharks, clown loach, african water frogs, bumble gobies, plecostomus, tiger barbs.
    Neo Tetras and other tetras should be ok as long as your pH range is suitable for them.

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