Well, it’s not like we didn’t know

On Arianna’s new blog (which I kinda like for its diversity of voices, all the blogsnobs be damned) Catherine Crier tells of this terrifyingly straightforward quote from Pat Buchanan on Crier’s TV show Wednesday night:

Buchanan: “Look, ten of the last twelve justices have been appointed by Republicans. Nixon gave us Blackmon, Gerry Ford gave us John Paul Stevens, Reagan gave us Kennedy and O?Connor, and (Bush Sr.) gave us David Souter…”

Crier: “Those aren’t good enough?”

Buchanan: “They have been failures. The battle is over the Supreme Court. (It) has become a judicial dictatorship in this country. It dictates racial policy on quotas, affirmative action. It tells us we must have abortion on demand. It’s now into gay rights. It has become a super legislature. Control of it is more important in the social culture war in America than control of Congress in the United States. That ultimately is what this is all about. The President has got to get those Supreme Court justices…and if that means breaking these ridiculous obstructionist filibusters, he ought to do it.”

Crier adds some commentary which is worth reading. She doesn’t like Buchanan’s plan worth a damn.


  1. Thanks for this. It led to an email blast to all my liberal cohorts to contact Mike DeWine.
    You knew the phrase “liberal activist judges” was a scam because Judge Greer who was involved in the Terry Schiavo case for years was a Baptist church going, registered Republican- NOT an extremist tho.
    They are religious extremists who will turn on their own in one second. Where are all the moderate voices in the Republican party? I know of a few and I really appreciate them. But, this whole issue needs to be exposed for what it truly is! 24/7 on TV.

  2. I’m a liberal Dem who has always had a fondness for Pat Buchanan. His thoughts on American foreign policy regarding Iraq is closer to MoveOn.org than Paul Wolfowitz, and a whole lot more honest than both. But on social issues, he is truly scary. I just wish the Dems had someone who communicates as well as Buchanan, with the same charm and humor.

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