The Wild Blue Yonder

Here’s confirmation from the Chaplain (Captain Morton) at the US Air Force Academy that proselytization is going on there.

Maj. Gen. Charles C. Baldwin, the chief of chaplains for the entire Air Force, screened the R.S.V.P. (Respecting the Spiritual Values of all People) program in October, Captain Morton said, and afterward asked her, “Why is it that the Christians never win?” in response to some of the program’s dramatizations of interactions between cadets of different religions.
She said: “It was obvious to us that he had missed the point of the entire presentation here. It wasn’t about winning or losing, some kind of cosmic battle, it was about helping our folks at the Air Force Academy understand the wonders of the whole range of religious experiences.”
In an interview on Wednesday, General Baldwin acknowledged making that comment and said he had objected because too many scenes in the original program had portrayed Christians at fault for excessive efforts at evangelizing.
“In every scenario, where cadet met cadet in the hall,” he said, “every time it was the Christian who had to apologize and say, ‘I’m sorry, I wasn’t sensitive to your needs.’ I said, that’s not balanced, and the Christians will turn you off if every time they were the ones who made the mistake.”
However, Captain Morton responded in an interview that it was “patently untrue” that all the segments portrayed Christians in error. She says that in most cases there was no religious identifier at all. “And I’ve got the film to prove it.”

Why the hell is a taxpayer-supported institution, particularly one which is supposed to train US military officers, supporting evangelization in the Cadet Corps in the first place?
Update: The chaplain has been fired.