Nuclear clock stops (for now)

Like Kevin Drum, I’m not sure what to make of this compromise that averts the nuclear option on filibusters for now. On the face of it, Democrats agreed to let up-or-down votes happen for three nominees, none of whom are shining lights of jurisprudence. That seems like a loss. But the reaction from the religious right is such (Gary Bauer calls it a sellout; James Dobson calls it a complete bailout and betrayal) that it may be a victory at least in the Pyrrhic sense. If you want to see the document, here’s Page 1, and here’s Page 2. If you like hyperbole, Crooks and Liars has a slew of quotes from all sides.


  1. Clarifying The Fabulous Fourteen’s MOU

    CapitolBuzz has a scanned copy of the actual memo (via Linkmeister). Keep this in mind folks: the GOP signatories have agreed to oppose any changes to Senate Rule XXII during the 109th Congress.

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