Don’t blink or you’ll miss it

A year ago I went to the ophthalmologist for an eye exam, since I hadn’t had one since I got the bifocals back in 1998. After looking through the goggly things, he said that the prescription I had was fine. I could spend $300 for a new pair of glasses, but my eyesight had changed so little that he didn’t recommend it. Fine with me.
Come November I went to have my driver’s license renewed and was unable to read the numbers in that little kaleidoscopic whatsit well enough, so my license restricts me to cars with right-side mirrors. Ok, I haven’t seen a car without those in fifteen years; fine.
But over the past two or three weeks I’ve noticed that I’m having trouble reading letters clearly through the top half of the glasses (the distance part of the bifocal), so I called the eye clinic today and asked for an appointment. The sooner the better, I said.
“How’s 8:45 tomorrow morning?”
Do they keep records for shortest time between the request and the scheduled appointment?


  1. tsk, tsk on going so long between appts — there is much more to check for as we get older (!), like glaucoma and cataracts and such. I say this only because my dad just went through surgery that should have happened five years ago.
    Oh, and my pediatrician’s office rocks on the appt thing. Many times, they’ll say, “can you be here at 10:00?” and since we’re 20 minutes away, and still have to get dressed, we have to say, “How ’bout 10:15?” Luckily, we haven’t needed to do that for a while.

  2. this reminds me to go to the eye doc’s.
    This year, I am going to an opthomologist, not an optician.
    I’m having problems with eye glare. Plus my optician spits when he talks and I’m sick(!) of his spitting in all the years I’ve known him.
    I’ve been going to him since I was 16. Time for another ol’bloke…

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