The Service Academies, too?

Where does this all end?
From the LA Times:

Religious intolerance is systemic and pervasive at the U.S. Air Force Academy and, if nothing changes, it could result in “prolonged and costly” litigation, according to a report (pdf) issued Thursday by a group advocating strict separation of church and state.
The 14-page report listed incidents of mandatory prayers, proselytizing by teachers, insensitivity to religious minorities and allegations that evangelical Christianity is the preferred faith at the institution.
The report’s authors were told that cadets who refused to attend chapel after dinner were marched by upperclassmen back to their dorms in a ritual called “heathen flight.” They found that teachers introduced themselves as “born again” Christians and invited students to be saved as well. A history instructor ordered students to pray before a final exam, the report said. And a Christmas greeting in the base newspaper said Jesus was the only hope for the world; it was signed by 300 people, including 16 heads or deputy heads of academic departments, nine professors, the dean of faculty and the football coach.

This is just what we need: Air Force pilots who believe in the Rapture. I can see it now: one of these highly-motivated, highly-trained men or women has a nuclear weapon in the bomb bay and decides to precipitate Armageddon over Teheran or Pyongyang.
Read the report.
Via The Carpetbagger Report.


  1. This is just what we need: Air Force pilots who believe in the Rapture. I can see it now: one of these highly-motivated, highly-trained men or women has a nuclear weapon in the bomb bay and decides to precipitate Armageddon over Teheran or Pyongyang.
    That’d be the least of my worries. In case of Rapture, that plane would be unmanned…and if it did have a nuclear payload and just happened to be aimed at North Korean or Iranian airspace… I’d rather not think about it. 🙂

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