
Oh my goodness. I started out to get the mail, and the dog was barking madly at the front door. I didn’t think much of it, because she doesn’t like the mail truck at all. Then I looked at the deck on the other side of the glass. One of these was sitting up sunning itself. I was quite fond of Kipling’s Rikki-Tikki-Tavi story, but I don’t need the protagonist wandering around my yard!


  1. No snakes here (so far; the state and the Feds spend a few million bucks a year trying to keep the brown tree snake from migrating from Guam, where it’s decimated the native bird population).
    Mongeese are an introduced species here; it was a failed attempt to curb the rat population. Turned out most rats are nocturnal (not all, though) and mongeese are diurnal. I grabbed for the camera, but the dog scared it into running up into the bougainvillea somewhere. I’d love to have gotten a picture of it. It was about a foot to 18 inches long (counting the tail), and he wasn’t snarling like the one in the photo. They’re very carnivorous, though.

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