Spare change, Mr. Bush?

From Mr. Bush yesterday in Ohio:

After four more years, there will be better paying jobs in America. After four more years, there will be more small businesses. After four more years, the American economy will continue to be the strongest in the world.

So, I might get a decent job in four more years? There will be more small businesses then? Gosh, that gives me great confidence. What do I do in the meantime, Mr. President?


  1. VP Cheney spoke at a disabled veterans’ convention yesterday locally.
    “He then reminded the audience of the threat posed by terrorists and credited President Bush with routing the Taliban from Afghanistan and putting Saddam Hussein in jail.” Yeah, he went to tremendously poor country and they think they got Bin Laden was the last I heard. And putting Saddam Hussein in Jail?
    Wait! Wasn’t the reason we went to Iraq to stop Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction program ? I never heard nuffin ’bout no jailing Hussein. I guess putting him in jail works, but WAIT! There were no weapons of mass destruction. The reason we ever went there is a FARCE.
    Cheney goes on to say that their modestly increased bandaid, I mean budget, have made things so wonderful for veterans. With the new veterans he and Bush’s administration are making — I’m betting there won’t be anything much for them either.
    Fortunately, the veterans interviewed weren’t stupid enough to buy it.

  2. Yeah…in four more years, we’ll be reaping the consequences of a lame duck president who will have even less accountability than he’s already demonstrated…I can hardly wait.

  3. he is living in a dreamworld…
    And what is the great thing about owning a small business??
    I did, and it was one of the hardest things I ever did. It wasn’t easy to get help from the SBA, either. One guy laughed at me and hung up the phone…
    I think we should ship him to the front lines in Iraq…or maybe let him move about NYC without any bodyguards for one day..
    Let him know what it is like to live like the “little people”…

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