Revisionist history

Hey! A book by Michelle Malkin! I can’t wait!
In Defense of Internment.
The book tries to make the case that Japanese internment was just fine, that racial profiling is desirable in times of war, and that we should do more of it. From the review at a proudly conservative book site:

In Defense of Internment proves that everything you’ve ever learned about the World War II “internment camps” for Japanese in America is wrong: they weren’t the product of racism or war hysteria, they weren’t only for Japanese, and they were nothing at all like the Nazi death camps to which they are often compared by craven and opportunistic alarmists on the Left. Malkin not only sets the historical record straight — she also refutes the arguments of pseudo-historians and sanctimonious liberal analysts who use this distorted history to undermine our crying need for national security profiling.

Right. And every historian for the past 60 years has been a dupe of the “left.” Go read Eric Muller’s remarks about this. Start here and scroll up. So far he’s posted about six items refuting this propaganda, and propaganda it is. Out here in Hawai’i we know our history too well to be taken in by this nonsense; some of those internees still live here.
Gee, published just in time for the Republican convention, too. You suppose it will be part of the goodie bag the speakers and delegates get?
Update: Professor Muller has collected all the links to his various posts in rebuttal here.


  1. Oh, yuck. This seems like a completely indefensible viewpoint.
    I do wonder what’d be in the Democrat goodie bag vs. the Republican one. 😉

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