
It’s the opening weekend of college football (in August???), so it’s time for my annual plug for Fanblogs. If you’re interested in college football news, it’s the site for you (except that they don’t cover the Western Athletic Conference, despite the fact that ESPN has one of its players on its Heisman Watch). No, I don’t have the time (or the time zone) to cover it myself; sorry.
Anyway, if you’re a fanatic, this year they’ve added RSS Feeds for the entire site, the conferences, and even specific teams. So if you want to keep up with, say, Arizona football and let your fellow fans do the same, this is the place to be.
Update: Oops. They actually added the RSS Feeds in September of last year, and I didn’t notice it. My mistake.


  1. Thanks for the mention. I appreciate the link. We’ve given a lot of thought to doing a WAC blog, but we don’t really have two/three bloggers that can cover it well. Let me know if you know someone. ((wink))

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