
The downside of having a UPS tracking number for a package you’re looking for is that you tend to check its progress two or three times a day. This is even sillier when it has to be flown from Philadelphia to Honolulu before it finally gets on a truck. In this particular case, the DSL modem got here last night at 11:00pm, but it hasn’t gotten to my door yet, and the airport is only 5 miles away. Grrr.
Update: It was very quietly delivered to my front door while we were eating supper and watching the News Hour. Huzzah! Tomorrow the DSL service is theoretically turned on by Verizon, so maybe, just maybe…assuming I make no mistakes hooking everything up and don’t fry any boards…maybe I’ll be fast tomorrow.


  1. You do know this is a one-way street, going to DSL. The downside of DSL is when it doesn’t work for some reason; trying to go online using dialup is the equivalent of using a scooter when you’re used to getting around in a car. Have fun and remember to take potty breaks!

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